
  • Gayla Randel – Office of Public Instruction, Committee Co-Chair
  • Sean Thomas – Everfi, Committee Co-Chair
  • Dax Schieffer – Montana Council on Economic Education
  • Rhonda Krieger – Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • Jody Sandru – Retired Teacher

MFEC offers scholarships for Montana Teachers (PreK-12) to attend the Annual Jump$tart National Educator Conference.

What, When and Where?

The Montana Financial Education Coalition (MFEC) is offers scholarships for Montana Teachers (PreK-12) to attend the Annual Jump$tart National Educator Conference. This is the only national conference dedicated to personal finance education in the classroom and the professionals who teach it.  The conference is designed for K-12 classroom educators who teach personal finance or incorporate it into any other subject.

This conference offers classroom educators an opportunity to see, learn about, and try financial educational resources to integrate immediately into current lesson plans, to meet with leaders from finance and education, and to network with colleagues from across the country.

View the conference details.

How to apply for the scholarship

To apply for a MFEC scholarship that will cover registration, lodging, and transportation (up to $600.) The 2024 scholarship deadline has passed.

Please check back for the 2025 scholarship cycle.

How does the applicant share what was learned with the MFEC and other educators?

Applicants are asked to share what they learned with one follow-up activity.

  1. Write a short article for the MFEC and OPI CTE e-newsletters highlighting one concept you learned and will be implementing directly into your classroom. Please include a picture of you in action at the conference.  Due by December of each award year.