Want to take charge of your own finances and reach your goals? Just pick your age group and get started! Whether you want to build your credit, your investments, or your own small business; invest in the market, a home, or higher education; shop for a loan, buy a car, or open your first bank … Continue reading Hands on Banking by Wells Fargo
Dream Makers Grants Help Military Families Buy Homes
More than 200 military families in 39 states received grants last year from the nonprofit Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation to help with the down payment and closing costs to buy homes — generally their first homes, according to foundation officials. Pentagon Federal’s Dream Makers program will match, three-to-one, the amount of money that military … Continue reading Dream Makers Grants Help Military Families Buy Homes
2014 MFEC Conference- “Financial Security for a Lifetime”
The Montana Financial Education Coalition presents Financial Security for a Lifetime The 2014 MFEC Statewide Conference and Resource Fair will host the TODAY Show's Jean Chatzky as the Keynote Presenter. Ms. Chatzky is AARP’s Financial Ambassador, a best-selling author, an award-winning personal finance journalist, finance editor for NBC’s TODAY show, and the host of Money … Continue reading 2014 MFEC Conference- “Financial Security for a Lifetime”